Wednesday 1 September 2010

Cornrows and Twists

So this is my first post. Woohoo! My sister, R, finally got back from camping and after she washed her hair asked me if I could make it curly for her but so it wouldnt be in her face, so I thought about what would be suitable, but also something that would keep overnight as she wanted to sleep in it comfortably. So I decided on this twist and curl look. Being how late it was I didnt have time to take step by step photographs, but I think the hairstyle itself is pretty self-explanatory. 

Ok so the cornrows were simple, I used R's parting as it was and parted from ear to ear using the end of her parting as a guide, and on the right side I did one straight down cornrow and two straight down cornrows crossed over as below.
Right side view

I then moved over to the other side and made 2 diagonal parts to make diagonal cornrows from her eye to her ear, being careful to leave out a bit of a bang. As you've probably noticed with both views of each side of her head the cornrows are twisted back. I twisted them to connect them easier at the bottom of her hair, which also kept them out her way for the next day. 
Left side view

Moving on to the back of her hair, I started from the bottom and made parts vertically from ear to ear, in the thickness I wanted. If you were doing this on shorter, thinner or African-American hair you could make the cornrows and twist braids thinner or thicker, depending on the look you were going to and the type of hair they have. I think I ended up doing at least 25 braids, but I'm guessing it was more :). To do the twist braids, seperate the peice of hair into two equal strands then twist them the same way, some people twist all the way to the end of the hair but because R's hair was so long, I twisted it a section at a time. When you have twisted the first section twist them together in the opposit direction which means they wont unravel when the elastic goes in. I also twisted the bang I had set apart earlier.
Back view

This is so simple and only took me about 20mins, once you get into the rhythm of twist braiding. If you don't know how to twist braid you could do regular 3-strand braids or even bantu knots if you're child/model will sleep in them. This could be done for younger children too, I would probably do the cornrows horizontally from the front toward the back of the head though, as the band underneath may get irittating for them. 
Top view
Front view
Would you look at the face on her! I'll give her props, she was extremely tired but she's also grumpy because the twist braids took a while.

Keep checking back for more posts soon, and when I get to 200 followers I'll be doing a FREE giveaway, so get all your friends to follow for the chance to be in to win! I'm not completely decided on what it will be yet, but it will be good. Feel free to email me with any hairstyle questions or requests at or even giveaway ideas if there's something you'd really like to win!

For now